Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sunscreen – The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY – Clint Eastwood style

Why do you slather all that sunscreen on you, your kid, and your pet (okay, maybe not your pet)?

Let me start with the BAD of sunscreen –
There are many healthy things that happen when you receive sun exposure.  Here, let me name just a few: Enhancing mood and energy through the release of endorphins – stimulating ideal Vit. D production – treating skin diseases, such as psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and scleroderma – protecting against and suppressing symptoms of multiple sclerosis – treating neonatal jaundice – relieving fibromyalgia pain – treating seasonal affective disorder – protecting against melanoma and treating T Cell lymphoma – etc. etc. (thank you Mercola)

Why would you want to PROTECT yourself against the above health benefits by using sunscreen?

I will continue with the UGLY of sunscreen –
The typical sunscreen you use, well, it is carcinogenic.  That means some of the ingredients in that sunscreen are known toxins.  Carcinogens are known to cause cancer!  Two common ingredients are dioxybenzone and oxybenzone.  They are two of the most powerful free radical generators known to man!  Cancer is known to be horrible and sometimes deadly.  Putting carcinogens on yourself and your kid ….. good idea or bad idea?

Let us finish up with the GOOD of sunscreen –
Burns related to over exposure to UV radiation are directly linked to increased incidence of skin cancer.  Sun Exposure = Good, but Sun Burns = Bad.  The worse the burn, the more frequent the burns, and the younger the individual getting burned all correlate to skin cancer.  Wearing clothing and a hat is probably your best defense against sun burns.  Also, there are some sunscreens out there that use natural ingredients.

Do this – throw out any sunscreen you have that is not natural.  Go buy natural sunscreen.  Only apply to your skin in an effort to avoid burns.

How do you shop for a natural sunscreen?  Try going to Sprouts, Whole Foods, or another health food store.  There is a good chance you will find what you need there.  Shopping online?  This appears to be a good website http://www.badgerbalm.com/c-24-natural-sunscreen.aspx, although I haven’t personally used their products.  Right now at my house we have a brand called Episencial.

Have a GREAT Day!
Dr. Luke

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Should You Be Counting Calories?

A gentleman informed me yesterday “I know I need to lose weight, I just need to stop eating everything in front of me”.
My reply was “Go ahead and eat everything in front of you, just make sure you put healthy food in front of you”.
What does eating healthy even mean?  Is it following the food pyramid as outlined by the FDA?  Is it eating in ‘moderation’?  Is it counting calories or ‘points’?
Simply put – No, No, and NO!
Eating healthy is about the quality of the substances you put inside of you.  The better the quality, the less it matters about the quantity.  Have you ever heard of someone eating too many vegetables?
There are a number of aspects foods and drink should have, and should NOT have.  Here are 6 things to AVOID;
1.  Preservatives (packaged foods with a shelf life)
2.  Hormones (non-organic meat)
3.  Dye (check ingredient list for dyes)
4.  Pesticides (non-organic produce)
5.  Artificial Ingredients (any product where the word “artificial” is used, such as artificial sweetener)
6.  Antibiotics (non-organic meat)
Steering away from the above 6 should help set the stage for better health through smart dietary habits.
Eat lots of organic vegetables, organic fruits, organic healthy proteins etc, (juicing works great by the way) and you will be on your way to eating healthy.  The best foods typically have 1 ingredient, and come from a natural source.   Do yourself a favor and don’t bother looking, thinking about or tracking calories.  Instead, when you are looking at a food label, read what is really important….. the ingredients!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Life as an Extremist – MLK Jr

“The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be… The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.”  MLK Jr
Martin Luther King Jr is known for advocating peace, justice, faith and equality.  There are a lot of people who have advocated, and currently advocate these same principles.  So, what has set Martin Luther King Jr apart from other people today and through history who desire these qualities for themselves and the world? 
He was an extremist!  He delivered his message in a radical and powerful way. 
We can all learn from his extreme behavior.  How can you be an extremist?  How can you be creative in your extremeness? 
Identify your passion and pursue your passion.  Have dreams, visions and goals. 
I bet that your passions, dreams, visions and goals do not fall into mainstream society?  Mine do not!  Be prepared to go against the grain.
Living a healthy lifestyle actually goes against the cultural grain.  Bravely strive for personal health!  Allow the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr be an inspiration for you!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Proper Running Technique

I was running around the Rose Bowl in Pasadena over the weekend, and let me tell ya’ll, there are A LOT of people walking, running, cycling, rollerblading, etc….. which is great!  People getting outside and exercising; way to go people!!  The fun thing for me is getting to analyze posture and body mechanics for all these people in their given activities. 
As a chiropractor, I tend to notice people.  When I observe runners, I typically notice excellent as well as poor running mechanics.  Unfortunately, I notice that the majority of people have deficiencies in their running technique.
There are 2 main thought patterns on how to run properly.  The more common and conventional idea is that you should have your particular running style analyzed by a professional.  This could be a physical therapist, a chiropractor, or simply an associate at a running shoe store.  After analyzing your technique, they will likely make recommendations on ways to change and improve your form (or possibly your footwear) and hopefully minimize your risk of injury and improve performance.
The other thought pattern has to do with the idea of adaptability.  We human beings have a high capacity to adapt to our own physical needs, environment and limitations.  YOUR body naturally moves the best way it is meant to move! YOUR body does this because residing inside you is innate intelligence. The patterns you develop happen naturally by your natural intelligence and match your unique physical qualities.  If your running form is not text book, that’s okay. 
So here is my suggestion if you are a runner, or you would like to get into running: you must set the stage for optimal performance and limit your risk of injury.  Having and maintaining proper spinal hygiene and nervous system function (attainable through chiropractic) is a good base.  Utilizing proper nutrition and hydration patterns (eat clean, nutritious foods and drink plenty of fluids before and during running) is also very helpful.  Most importantly, listen to your body.  We are not all designed to be able to run marathons, and if your body is giving you signals during or after your runs that there is a problem, you need to listen to your body.
As far as proper running mechanics, a combination of the above two approaches is ideal.  Utilizing a professional to analyze and give recommendations on your running technique can be helpful.  But, also understand that we have a high capacity for adaptation (which is a good thing), and your particular form may actually be what is most right for you at this time. 
Is your running technique proper for you?  This may be a tough question to answer.  Build a good foundation, go run, enjoy running, listen to your body, seek help and support, and make it fun and challenging for you!