Thursday, October 11, 2012

The BEST Way for YOU to Exercise

This looks fun!
There is a huge misconception regarding the best way to exercise in our society.  We have learned that the right way to exercise is to join a gym, go there 2-4 times a week before or after work, and when you are at the gym to mix a cardio exercise with some resistance and core training.  Let me be crystal clear here, this is not a bad way to exercise!  But, this is not the BEST way for YOU to exercise!
Let’s go back a few hundred years ago and look at how people exercised.  People hunted, gathered, built things, tended the land, tried to avoid wild dangers, and played competitive sports.  The theme was that exercise was productive or competitive.
Fast forward to nowadays.  We don’t hunt, gather, build things, tend the land, or try to avoid wild dangers on a regular basis.  This leaves us with competitive sports, but what if you don’t want to play competitive sports?
Here it is.  Are you ready?  The absolute best way for you to exercise is…….. do something that is physically active, has a competitive nature to it (either inwardly, against others or both), is something emotionally exciting and mentally enjoyable/ stimulating, and is a way to better connect with yourself, or other people.
Kids like to exercise too!
Now you know the ingredients required for the best possible exercise experience.  It’s your job to discover what the right exercises are for you!  Let me offer a list of possible exercises that might appeal to you.  Pick out two or three to try.
Walking, running, cycling, gardening, tennis, hiking, golf, lacrosse, basketball, rock climbing, ice climbing, swimming, surfing, kayaking, baseball, softball, hiking, water polo, yoga, volleyball, pilates, crossfit, stand up paddling, tai chi, etc. etc. etc. (Would you like to add to my list of exercises?  Just leave a comment below).

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