Monday, August 27, 2012

The Safety Pin Cycle – Understanding Nerve Transmission


Your nervous system is the master controller of your life!  Your brain is not only in charge of the conscious decisions of your daily life, but also helps control and coordinates everything happening in your body in each moment.  Every second of your life, there are over 100,000 chemical reactions that occur in your brain.  Your brain is very complicated, and yet truly defines you as YOU!  A great analogy to how your brain works with your body is that of a SYMPHONY. 
The conductor of a symphony directs all the musicians, so that they can play in harmony and in sync.  When the conductor is communicating effectively to all the musicians, there is great potential for beautiful music.  Each band member plays their own role, but if they are not coordinated well with the other musicians, they will stick out like a sore thumb and take away from the experience of beautiful music.  The two basic principles that must be established for a beautiful symphony;  1.  Each musician must have the skills to play their part well.  2.  The musicians must be coordinated to play together.
Complete Nerve Transmission Cycle
How does this relate to your nervous system exactly? 
Imagine all the musicians as each tissue cell (T.C.) in your body.  Each T.C. has a role and purpose it is designed to carry out.  Your T.C.’s interpret your environment (internally and externally), and send information to your brain via the afferent (Af.) nerve pathways.  Your brain acts as the conductor of your body, and makes constant decisions on the best course of action for the T.C.’s throughout your body on how to function best and in harmony with one another.  Messages are sent from the brain cells (B.C.) via the efferent (Ef.) nerve pathways back to your T.C.’s in order to carry out a function.  When this process is occurring without hindrance, your body is able to function at a high level, like the beautiful music of a symphony.  Oh, by the way, the human body has somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 - 90 trillion cells!!  That is a lot of cells for the brain to direct!
Chiropractic Safety Pin Model
In summary, there are THREE components that must be in place for proper/ideal functioning of your body. 
#1.  Your BRAIN must work well. 
#2.  The PARTS of your body must work well. 
#3.  The NERVES connecting your brain to your parts must work well.
In my next blog I will go into more depth on ways to help #1 above, and help insure that your BRAIN works well. 
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Monday, August 20, 2012

Helping Prevent Cancer with YOUR Environment!

Fighting cancer begins with preventing cancer.  My last entry focused on strategies to help prevent cancer with your diet.  A recent report by The Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.  What are some of the ways we can all help prevent cancer by avoiding environmental toxins?
A toxin is a poisonous substance.  With that definition in mind, who wants to be exposed to poisonous substances???  Here are just a few (of many) ways you can help avoid toxins in your environment, and therefore help to prevent cancer!

1.  Only use natural cleaning products in your home.
2.  Switch over to natural brands of toiletries (e.g. toothpaste).
3.  Remove any metal fillings (by a qualified dentist of course) as they are a major source of mercury.
4.  Avoid using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances, as they can pollute the air you breathe.
Safe sun exposure is healthy!
5.  Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system (you’ll be better able to fight disease).
6.  Limit your use of drugs (prescription and over-the-counter) as much as possible.
7.  Have your tap water tested, and if contaminants are found, install an appropriate water filter on all your faucets.
8.  Avoid vaccinations
9.  Use only natural products on your skin (such as lotion, make-up, nail polish, hair gel, sunscreen, soaps, shampoo, etc. etc. etc. etc.).  A good rule of thumb, don’t put it on you unless you are willing to put it in you.
There are a lot of things you can do to be PROACTIVE with your health!  I encourage you to recognize some areas you can improve in with your diet and your environment, and start making positive change now!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Helping Prevent Cancer with YOUR DIET!

Fighting cancer begins with preventing cancer.  A recent report by The Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.  To put it simply, cancer is something we can usually avoid given the proper diet and environment. 
It is important to understand some principles on how the body works to better understand why preventing cancer is possible.  Our bodies are geared towards self healing and self regulation (not needing outside intervention), but too much stress can deplete our bodies ability to properly function at its optimal potential.  When emotional, chemical, and/or physical stress wears down on our body, we are more vulnerable to sickness and disease states.  Developing and maintaining patterns of good health is the overall best way to help prevent cancer.   
Here are some ways you can improve your health and help yourself (and loved ones) prevent cancer with your diet.
1. Eat GARLIC all the time!
2. Eat lots of steamed broccoli and other green vegetables!
3. Drink WATER and TEA and an occasional cup of coffee, and throw back a beer once in a while J
4. Eat wild fish at least once a week.
5. Buy ORGANIC food!
1. Don’t eat foods that have been genetically modified.
2. Don’t consume foods and drinks that have chemicals in them.
3. Don’t eat produce that had pesticides on them.
4. Avoid meat in which hormones, antibiotics, or any other unnatural substance was given to the animals.
5. Don’t eat/drink very much sugar (e.g. Soda Pop), because it is very stressful on the body!!
These suggestions are but a few of the overwhelming amounts of information and research that have been done on healthy ways to prevent cancer.  Start implementing some of these changes now. 
In my next blog entry, I will go into more depth on ways to help prevent cancer with your environment.