Friday, December 21, 2012

Moving On

What do you think of with this word?  Do you think of something morbid or sad?  Does is bring up memories of loved ones lost?  Maybe this word elicits fear?  Recently, I was able to see death from a little different perspective with the passing of my 101 year old grandfather in law.  To sum his passing in a single word;
When we pass on from this life, don’t we all want to do so with dignity, knowing full well that the life we lived was filled to the brim with love, adventures and meaning? And that we lived bravely?  I figure the only way to die bravely, is to live bravely.
Bravery takes work!  Bravery is rarely easy, and it often can make others angry.  Bravery is not following the herd, it is leading the herd.  Bravery means being courageous, and having the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.
This is interesting for me, as I am in the midst of many transitions with varying levels of change right now.  As I approach change, I want to do so bravely!  There is plenty of room for fear to creep into my thoughts, but I don’t want fear to be a driving force behind my thoughts!  My thoughts lead to action (or inaction).  Action or inaction is my life, right?!
How does the topic of death, bravery and fear apply to your health?  What I really want you to think about is the fundamental concept of HOW you do health.  How do you go about making decisions about leading a healthy lifestyle or not?  Are you proactive or reactive?  I want you to live bravely, without fear, and I want that to be the fundamental approach you have each and every day towards your health.  If you can answer this fundamental question (how do you do health?), and it feels good in your gut, and is congruent with who you are and who you want to be, then great!!  If not, you’ve got some serious work to do.  I know you want to live a life filled to the brim with love, adventures and meaning.  So go, live bravely!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Can’t Weight for Christmas!

The average American gains about 1 pound between Thanksgiving and New Years.  When I first read this statistic, I thought, well 1 pound isn’t very much.  The truth about an “average” is that some people don’t gain any weight (or maybe lose weight?), while others gain more than 1 pound.
Let’s play out this scenario.  Someone named Jane (sorry to those named Jane) gains 2 pounds of fat this holiday season.  The thing with the holiday season is it is steeped in tradition (some traditions are good, some not so much).  So Jane has a similar holiday experience every year, and gains 2 pounds each season.  If the rest of the year has no significant change in weight, over the course of let’s say 20 years, Jane will have packed on about 40 pounds!  That is not healthy weight gain for Jane or anyone else!  There are many other factors that influence health, and weight is often not very indicative of someone’s true level of health.  But hopefully, this scenario helps paint a picture of what could easily happen for me or you.
Here is the reality regarding this 2012 holiday season.  There will be LOTS of deterrents from gaining and sustaining good health.  Here are a few deterrents off the top of my silly head:
1. Stress – related to money, busy schedule, gift buying, Christmas parties, etc.

2. Less Exercise – less time for workouts, and colder outside, less attractive to be out exercising.

3. Increase in Unhealthy Food – this is a biggie for folks, as all the holiday treats are very tempting and appealing.  I am sitting at my favorite coffee shop in Arroyo Grande writing this blog entry and looking at their holiday menu which includes – Peppermint Mocha – Pumpkin Latte – and Eggnog Latte.  Yummy, right?!

4. Traveling – those of us traveling during the holidays get out of our regular routines, and it is easier to make unhealthy choices when out of town.
I’m sure you can add to this list for your own situation.  Where does this leave us?  Are we hopelessly going to let our health fall apart this holiday season??
I have a simple one word solution!  Are you ready?  This will be a mind blowing concept!!
You must instill boundaries in all these areas if you would like to successfully navigate this holiday season and show up in 2013 without too many holiday battle wounds.  You must do this for yourself.  I can’t do it for you and no one else can create the boundaries for you that you need.  It is helpful to have an advocate to help you stick with the boundaries you create.
Try This:  Spend 10 minutes writing out a list of areas you know will be difficult for you this season, and create tangible boundaries for how you will manage those areas.  Check in with your list at least once a day.  If you break a boundary, don’t sweat it, but get back on track A.S.A.P.  Make weight a non-issue this Christmas season by creating healthy boundaries for yourself. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

REAL Health Insurance

We live in an era where insurance is all the rage.  Our society is encouraged to purchase insurance for many things (our cars, health, life, jewelry, home, apartment, electronics, etc. etc.).  In fact, some things (such as our automobiles) are required by law to buy into insurance.  There are many definitions for insurance, but I think it can be summed up rather simply as; protection against uncertain future loss.
The key word in this definition is PROTECTION.  How can we truly protect our investments and our own life?  Is having an insurance policy really the best way to protect the things we hold as important?
In regards to automobiles, what is the best way we can help protect our automobile investment from future loss (such as an accident)?  Try driving safely, not driving while intoxicated or impaired, wearing a seat belt, keeping your car serviced, and not driving while distracted (texting, doing your make-up, etc.).  THIS IS CAR INSURANCE FOLKS!  Protect your investment by being wise with what you do with it. 
As far as your health, the same principles hold true.  Do you realize the health insurance policy you presently have is actually a sickness insurance policy?  This type of insurance can be very helpful for sick people, but does little or nothing to protect healthy people.  So, what does HEALTH INSURANCE really look like?
My five pillars of physical health likely include all or nearly all the categories of ways you can help protect your health.  They are;
1.  Optimal Nervous System Function
2.  Regular Exercise and Movement
3.  Avoidance of Toxins
4.  Good Nutrition and Fluid Intake
5.  Adequate Sleep and Rest
Here are a handful of ways you can help insure your health – get massages, get checked by a chiropractor regularly, get outside in the sun and exercise, eat raw organic food, drink lots of water, don’t put toxic substances on your body, take a high quality fish oil supplement, take vacations, don’t put toxic substances in your body, take time each day for rest meditation and/or prayer, see an acupuncturist, manage your stress well, use good posture, allow for plenty of time to sleep at night, etc. etc.
Here is your homework assignment; Pick 2-3 ideas from this list that resonates with you, and start working on them today.  Don’t wait until tomorrow!   Protect and insure your health!!  It is one of the MOST valuable gifts you have!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sick and Water

I am currently fighting off a cold!  It is such a drag having a cold and I find it very irritating.  This is the first time I have been sick in over three years, so it also feels somewhat foreign.  This does make for a good chance to write a blog entry though (and watch Star Wars movies).
One thing I am struck by is how much water I am consuming while being in this un-well state.  I am drinking water and tea like I just ran a marathon in the Sahara while eating jalapenos!  I understand that drinking lots of fluids aids my body’s natural immune response to dispose of the current strain of cold virus inside me.  So how about a big thumbs up to my immune system for doing its job!!
Drinking all these fluids also makes me realize that I probably don’t drink enough healthy fluids during my well times.  I feel convicted to keep up a healthy amount of water intake once I have kicked this cold to the curb.
How important is it to drink water and other healthy fluids?  Your entire body will function and feel better when you are well hydrated… including your brain and your heart, your muscles, digestive system, and all your other organ systems.  Keep in mind you get about 20% of your fluid intake from the food you eat, especially from fruits and veggies!  The best drinks for good fluid intake include water, herbal teas, black and green teas, and even coffee in moderation.  Another great fluid intake source is from ‘juicing’.  Avoid soda of all kinds, as well as other sugar sweetened drinks.  Your body deserves better!
As I mend up from this pesky cold, it’s nice to know I am aiding my body by drinking tons of water and tea, and will be back to my usual self soon.  Now go drink some water!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Inner Strong

“You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” - Unknown
When it comes to our health, it is easy to blame outside influence for our dis-ease, disease, and our poor lifestyle choices.  In reality though, we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to taking good care of ourselves.  Ultimately you are responsible for yourself, your actions or lack of actions, and the way you respond in life.  Only you are responsible for you (unless you are a child).
Last weekend I competed in my first ever mud run.  It was great!  6.2 miles and 28 obstacles found me pushing myself to my physical and mental limits.  I ran up and down a mountain, jumped over, swam under, and climbed over obstacles, and when I crossed the finish line totally exhausted (and muddy), I knew what I had just accomplished was good.  Why did I do a mud run?  Was it for the exercise?  No.  Was it to get the t-shirt proving that I participated?  No.  Was it to test myself, and gauge what my inner strength and perseverance really looks like?  Yes.  I mention this experience because deep down we all want to know we are strong, and we want to know that when we are pushed to our limits our strength will shine.

This begs the question; where does inner strength come from?  I encourage you to think about this for yourself.  Write down a list of where your strength comes from and contemplate on your list.
When our life is moving along with relative consistency and ease, making healthy lifestyle choices and achieving and maintaining good health is mostly accomplishable.  The real test is when life throws a curve ball, life is messy (or muddy), and our inner strength is tried, challenged, and our resolve shaken.  How will you respond?  Will you dig deep and make even healthier choices for your life?  Will you crumple or drift?  You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
Having strength of will is a daily choice, and deciding to make healthy decisions can be a daily challenge. 
As I look forward to my next physical and mental challenge (perhaps a century bike race, a 10 mile mud run, a half-marathon, or pick up a new sport (rock climbing?)), it feels good to know that my inner strength was strong enough to accomplish the mud run last weekend.  Despite the messiness of life, I choose to approach today with strength of will and to make healthy lifestyle decisions.  Will you? 
Be Inner Strong!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Importance of FAT

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are necessary for proper development and function of the brain and nervous system, the physiologic regulation of blood pressure, immune response, inflammatory response, hormone production, insulin regulation, the growth and division of all cells, and for formation of healthy cell membranes.
Clearly fat is very important for our bodies.  So, why is our society so messed up when it comes to fat? 
Fat is not the problem, the problem is the TYPES of fats we choose to consume.  Fats can mostly be broken down into omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.  In general, omega-6’s are pro-inflammatory and considered unhealthy, and omega-3’s are considered anti-inflammatory and are considered healthier.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors were believed to eat omega-6 to omega-3 fats at a ratio of about 1:1.  In our modern society we eat fats at about a 20:1 ratio relatively.  We eat SO much more omega-6 fats and SO much less omega-3 fats, the balance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators in our bodies is hugely out of balance.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors were free of the modern inflammatory diseases, like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, which are the primary causes of death today.
At this point, you should be thinking to yourself (or literally saying this out loud), “WOW, I want to be healthier and help reduce my risk of inflammatory diseases, so what do I do differently?”
Good question friend!  It starts with your attitude and commitment to  healthy change and then to sustain healthy lifestyle choices.  From a practical stand point, I will list many foods to avoid and a number of foods to go for.  First though, here is a summary of what a balanced intake of fat in your diet can do for you;

¤  Decreased incidence of CANCER
¤  Lower risk of HEART DISEASE and STROKE
¤  Lower risk of DIABETES and OBESITY
¤  Improved BRAIN and NERVOUS system development and function
¤  Proper IMMUNE system response
¤  Proper INFLAMMATORY response to stress and trauma
I hope you are excited looking at this list of health benefits, and motivated to make positive change!  Below is a list of foods to avoid.  I recommend printing this off, reading over it a number of times, adding to the list based on your own research, taking the list to the grocery store, and reading the list of ingredients on the food label before making a purchase.
High fat cuts of meat (beef, pork, lamb)
Chicken with the skin
Dairy (Milk, Cream, Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream)
Palm Oil and Lard
Canola Oil, Sunflower Oil, Peanut Oil, Soybean Oil, Corn Oil, Safflower Oil
Peanut Butter
Pastries, cookies, doughnuts, muffins, cakes, pizza dough
Packaged snack foods (crackers, microwave popcorn, chips etc.)
Vegetable shortening
Fried foods (french fries, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, breaded fish etc.)
Here is a list of foods that are healthier fats;
Coconut Oil (raw, virgin)
Olive Oil (EVOO and organic is best)
Flaxseed Oil
Hempseed Oil
Nuts (almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews, walnuts, brazil nuts pistachios)
Almond or Coconut Milk (unsweetened, organic is best)
Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed, hempseed and pumpkin seeds
Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines (not farm raised, wild fish is best))

The other easy thing you can consume is a healthy Fish Oil supplement.  I recommend a high quality fish oil supplement you can pick-up at your local health food store.
My last thought for you is that eating food is not about perfection.  When you decide to eat unhealthy food, do so without guilt, and remember that balance in our food intake does not mean perfection.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Truths about Chiropractic

A friend and colleague, Dr. Steve Tullius, recently made a fantastic statement regarding chiropractic.
“Chiropractic is about the expression of life.  An odd statement to most that have only a basic understanding of chiropractic or those who have been lead to believe it is simply about relieving back and neck pain.
While certainly it is very effective in relieving those conditions, here’s why others utilize chiropractic to get the most out of life.

Quite simply, chiropractic is about detecting nerve interference or dysfunction at the spinal level.  Our nerve systems control every aspect of our lives, from the beating of our hearts to the interpretation of sight and sound.
When our nervous systems are operating optimally, without stress of irritation, our bodies are free to express themselves to the best of our individual abilities.
In a nutshell, a better spine and nerve system equals a better quality of life.  The choice is always yours.  How long you benefit from care and to what degree is dependent upon your wants and needs.
We choose chiropractic care for better expression of life.  We think you will too.”
This is a powerful statement, and explains chiropractic and its role very well.  I would like to add that chiropractic is for everyone.  From the birth of our babies throughout our life span, chiropractic can play a vital role in the health of each of us.
Are you currently under chiropractic care?  If so, keep it up!  If not, let me know, and I will find a great chiropractor for you in your area.  Email me at

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The BEST Way for YOU to Exercise

This looks fun!
There is a huge misconception regarding the best way to exercise in our society.  We have learned that the right way to exercise is to join a gym, go there 2-4 times a week before or after work, and when you are at the gym to mix a cardio exercise with some resistance and core training.  Let me be crystal clear here, this is not a bad way to exercise!  But, this is not the BEST way for YOU to exercise!
Let’s go back a few hundred years ago and look at how people exercised.  People hunted, gathered, built things, tended the land, tried to avoid wild dangers, and played competitive sports.  The theme was that exercise was productive or competitive.
Fast forward to nowadays.  We don’t hunt, gather, build things, tend the land, or try to avoid wild dangers on a regular basis.  This leaves us with competitive sports, but what if you don’t want to play competitive sports?
Here it is.  Are you ready?  The absolute best way for you to exercise is…….. do something that is physically active, has a competitive nature to it (either inwardly, against others or both), is something emotionally exciting and mentally enjoyable/ stimulating, and is a way to better connect with yourself, or other people.
Kids like to exercise too!
Now you know the ingredients required for the best possible exercise experience.  It’s your job to discover what the right exercises are for you!  Let me offer a list of possible exercises that might appeal to you.  Pick out two or three to try.
Walking, running, cycling, gardening, tennis, hiking, golf, lacrosse, basketball, rock climbing, ice climbing, swimming, surfing, kayaking, baseball, softball, hiking, water polo, yoga, volleyball, pilates, crossfit, stand up paddling, tai chi, etc. etc. etc. (Would you like to add to my list of exercises?  Just leave a comment below).

Thursday, September 20, 2012


TODAY – is the greatest day I’ve ever known, can’t live for tomorrow, tomorrow’s much too long. (Smashing Pumpkins)
How often do the small decisions we make in our life influence not only our own health, but the health of those around us?  I believe that every day we make decisions that have the potential to help create positive change or to create negative change. 
Did you decide to smile at someone?  Did you decide to eat a scone?  Some blueberries?  Maybe a grande latte with skim milk?  Did you decide to sleep in?  Did you decide to go for a walk?  Did you decide to tell a loved one “I love you”?  Did you decide to play video games?  Maybe skip the gym?  Did you decide to do yoga?  Did you get checked by a chiropractor?  Did you decide to pray?  Reach out to someone in need?  Did you take time to play with your children?  Did you set personal goals?  Did you check your football fantasy team?  Did you decide to meditate?  How is your posture?  How is your demeanor? 
The point is we are constantly making decisions throughout each day that influence our life.  If you are already purposeful with your life, being conscious about how each little decision ultimately is the expression of your life and health, then you are responsible to be an example to others.  If you are ‘drifting’ (letting life circumstances dictate your decisions) then TODAY is the day to step up and start making wise choices.  Not just the BIG decisions (who to marry, buying a car/house, where to place your faith) but all the small decisions as well.
My 5 Pillars of Health;

What are yours?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Myths and Truths about MILK

Myths and Truths about MILK

Does this look right?
I was discussing the topic of cow milk vs. almond milk with a friend recently.  She is already a convert to almond milk, but was wondering how she can still get enough calcium to help keep her bones strong.  I decided to do a little research, and found an excellent excerpt from the book “Never Be Sick Again”.  The information was delivered so well in this book, that I copied it here for you to read, and it is well worth the read!

Upon hearing that they should not drink milk, people invariably ask, “How will I be able to get enough calcium if I don’t drink milk?” My response is, “Where does a cow, a horse, or an elephant get its calcium?” They get it from plants, which are rich in all kinds of minerals – including calcium.  Dark green vegetables such as broccoli, chard and kale are rich sources of absorbable calcium.

Kale and Spinach
Cow milk is also rich in calcium, containing about 1200 mg of calcium per quart while human milk contains about 300 mg.  However, an infant absorbs far more calcium from a quart of human milk than from a quart of cow milk, even though human milk contains less calcium.  Cow milk contains a lot of phosphorous, which prevents calcium absorption.  Also, cow milk is low in magnesium, which humans need in order to utilize calcium.  In short, your body is not able to use the large amount of calcium present in cow milk.  You do not use the calcium, so instead it can build up and form kidney stones, bone spurs, gout and atherosclerotic plaque. 
Milk robs calcium from bones.  The protein in cow milk metabolizes to strong acids, which can be harmful, so instead the body used the calcium to neutralize those acids – thereby robbing your bones and other tissues in the process.  The U.S., with only 4 percent of the world’s population, consumes more dairy foods than the other 96 percent combined.  If milk is really good for our bones, then we should have the strongest bones in the world.  Instead, we have one of the highest osteoporosis rates in the world.  We are not alone; all other countries with high diary consumption also have high levels of osteoporosis.
A large percentage of the population is allergic to milk and dairy products, regardless of whether they realize it.  Allergic reactions tax the immune system and lower resistance to infections and diseases.  Milk allergies are the primary cause of ear infections in children.  Given that constant allergic responses shorten your life (and constant use of allergy medications will too); the answer is to avoid things you are allergic to in the first place.  For most people, this means avoiding milk products.  According to Dr. Oski, “At least 50% of all children are allergic to dairy.”
Weird, right?
Milk is harmful to young children for another reason:  It may trigger childhood diabetes in genetically susceptible children.  Milk has been linked to multiple sclerosis as well.  Milk also causes localized inflammations in an infant’s intestines and can result in low-level bleeding and iron deficiency anemia.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors nursed their young for an average of three years, as compared to modern Americans, who nurse for an average of only three months.  Introduction of infant feeding formulas has had a negative effect on children’s health.  Breast-fed infants are less likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease when they become adults than bottle-fed infants.  Adults who were breast-fed as infants develop fewer allergies throughout life (even among people whose parents had a history of allergies).

"Never Be Sick Again"
Raymond Francis, M.Sc.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Safety Pin Cycle – Understanding Nerve Transmission


Your nervous system is the master controller of your life!  Your brain is not only in charge of the conscious decisions of your daily life, but also helps control and coordinates everything happening in your body in each moment.  Every second of your life, there are over 100,000 chemical reactions that occur in your brain.  Your brain is very complicated, and yet truly defines you as YOU!  A great analogy to how your brain works with your body is that of a SYMPHONY. 
The conductor of a symphony directs all the musicians, so that they can play in harmony and in sync.  When the conductor is communicating effectively to all the musicians, there is great potential for beautiful music.  Each band member plays their own role, but if they are not coordinated well with the other musicians, they will stick out like a sore thumb and take away from the experience of beautiful music.  The two basic principles that must be established for a beautiful symphony;  1.  Each musician must have the skills to play their part well.  2.  The musicians must be coordinated to play together.
Complete Nerve Transmission Cycle
How does this relate to your nervous system exactly? 
Imagine all the musicians as each tissue cell (T.C.) in your body.  Each T.C. has a role and purpose it is designed to carry out.  Your T.C.’s interpret your environment (internally and externally), and send information to your brain via the afferent (Af.) nerve pathways.  Your brain acts as the conductor of your body, and makes constant decisions on the best course of action for the T.C.’s throughout your body on how to function best and in harmony with one another.  Messages are sent from the brain cells (B.C.) via the efferent (Ef.) nerve pathways back to your T.C.’s in order to carry out a function.  When this process is occurring without hindrance, your body is able to function at a high level, like the beautiful music of a symphony.  Oh, by the way, the human body has somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 - 90 trillion cells!!  That is a lot of cells for the brain to direct!
Chiropractic Safety Pin Model
In summary, there are THREE components that must be in place for proper/ideal functioning of your body. 
#1.  Your BRAIN must work well. 
#2.  The PARTS of your body must work well. 
#3.  The NERVES connecting your brain to your parts must work well.
In my next blog I will go into more depth on ways to help #1 above, and help insure that your BRAIN works well. 
If you would like email updates when I add a blog entry, just let me know.  Email me at

Monday, August 20, 2012

Helping Prevent Cancer with YOUR Environment!

Fighting cancer begins with preventing cancer.  My last entry focused on strategies to help prevent cancer with your diet.  A recent report by The Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.  What are some of the ways we can all help prevent cancer by avoiding environmental toxins?
A toxin is a poisonous substance.  With that definition in mind, who wants to be exposed to poisonous substances???  Here are just a few (of many) ways you can help avoid toxins in your environment, and therefore help to prevent cancer!

1.  Only use natural cleaning products in your home.
2.  Switch over to natural brands of toiletries (e.g. toothpaste).
3.  Remove any metal fillings (by a qualified dentist of course) as they are a major source of mercury.
4.  Avoid using artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances, as they can pollute the air you breathe.
Safe sun exposure is healthy!
5.  Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system (you’ll be better able to fight disease).
6.  Limit your use of drugs (prescription and over-the-counter) as much as possible.
7.  Have your tap water tested, and if contaminants are found, install an appropriate water filter on all your faucets.
8.  Avoid vaccinations
9.  Use only natural products on your skin (such as lotion, make-up, nail polish, hair gel, sunscreen, soaps, shampoo, etc. etc. etc. etc.).  A good rule of thumb, don’t put it on you unless you are willing to put it in you.
There are a lot of things you can do to be PROACTIVE with your health!  I encourage you to recognize some areas you can improve in with your diet and your environment, and start making positive change now!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Helping Prevent Cancer with YOUR DIET!

Fighting cancer begins with preventing cancer.  A recent report by The Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.  To put it simply, cancer is something we can usually avoid given the proper diet and environment. 
It is important to understand some principles on how the body works to better understand why preventing cancer is possible.  Our bodies are geared towards self healing and self regulation (not needing outside intervention), but too much stress can deplete our bodies ability to properly function at its optimal potential.  When emotional, chemical, and/or physical stress wears down on our body, we are more vulnerable to sickness and disease states.  Developing and maintaining patterns of good health is the overall best way to help prevent cancer.   
Here are some ways you can improve your health and help yourself (and loved ones) prevent cancer with your diet.
1. Eat GARLIC all the time!
2. Eat lots of steamed broccoli and other green vegetables!
3. Drink WATER and TEA and an occasional cup of coffee, and throw back a beer once in a while J
4. Eat wild fish at least once a week.
5. Buy ORGANIC food!
1. Don’t eat foods that have been genetically modified.
2. Don’t consume foods and drinks that have chemicals in them.
3. Don’t eat produce that had pesticides on them.
4. Avoid meat in which hormones, antibiotics, or any other unnatural substance was given to the animals.
5. Don’t eat/drink very much sugar (e.g. Soda Pop), because it is very stressful on the body!!
These suggestions are but a few of the overwhelming amounts of information and research that have been done on healthy ways to prevent cancer.  Start implementing some of these changes now. 
In my next blog entry, I will go into more depth on ways to help prevent cancer with your environment.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why Probiotics?  (part 2 of 2)

In my last entry, we went into detail regarding the importance of maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal system.  I suggest reading the last 3 entries, “The Most Important Supplements”, “Why Fish Oil?”, and “Why Probiotics (part 1 of 2)” and then study this blog entry (I know, this is a lot of homework, but hopefully well worth the time).
Here are 3 excellent ways you can help improve the flora of your gut;
1) Eat less sugar – eating sugar actually nourishes the bad bacteria, yeast and fungi in your gut.
2) Eat fermented foods – such as lassi, tempeh, raw milk or yogurt (but NOT commercial versions, which typically do not have live cultures and are loaded with sugar).
3) Take a high quality probiotic supplement – and here is why….
You should first be asking yourself, what is a probiotic? – Probiotics are small natural organisms that help maintain balance of the organisms (microflora) in the intestines.
Caring for your probiotics; It is important that the microorganisms remain cold, and your refrigerator should do just fine.  It is important to recognize that the organisms will not be viable if they have been warmed at any point, including before you make your purchase.  I highly suggest regular intake to help build and maintain healthy gut flora.  If you are having an immune response to a virus (such as cold or flu signs), than take more probiotics (and eat less sugar).  This should help the normal immune response.
If you are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or have recently been pregnant and are nursing, you SHOULD be taking a probiotic!  For your babies health and yours!!
Here is a small sampling of conditions that can be helped with a probiotic;
-          Obesity
-          Diabetes
-          Depression
-          Heart Disease
-          IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
What are some signs your body might send to you, indicating that probiotics could help?  Gas, bloating, constipation, frequent nausea, headaches and sugar cravings to new a common few.
No one brand of probiotic is right for everyone, in fact, rotating between different brands often brings different strains into your system which can be beneficial.  I suggest first visiting your local holistic health care provider, or visiting a health food store to buy probiotics.  In my area I suggest Grande Foods, Lassens, or New Frontiers.  Taking a probiotic supplement is a simple way to help improve your health, and your health is SUPER IMPORTANT!! 
I gathered information from Green Med Info, Web MD, and Mercola for this blog entry.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why Probiotics? (part 1 of 2)

In my last blog entry, I went into more detail regarding why it is important to take a fish oil supplement and how it works in your body.  The other supplement I have mentioned taking is a probiotic.  I would like to share with you what a probiotic does, and why it is important.  In this entry, I want to go into depth regarding your gut, so that you can fully understand the importance of a healthy gastrointestinal system, and therefore how a probiotic can be extremely helpful for maintaining optimal health.
This is a VERY BIG issue, so let me start by painting the BIG picture here.  Your Gut, Brain, and Primary Immune Defense are all connected.  A big shocker to most people, including physicians, is that 80% of your immune system is located in your gut.  Two common side effects to poor gut health are Depression and Lowered Immunity.  For your body to function at its optimal potential, your brain must receive the proper signals from your gut (i.e. your nervous system must be minimally stressed, one of the most common stressors on the nervous system is a subluxation in the spine).  The brain regulates appropriate gut activity.
Furthermore, your gut is quite literally your Second Brain!  It originates from the same type of tissue as your brain during fetal development.  Your brain and gut are connected not only through the peripheral nerves but also through a cranial nerve.  The Vagus Nerve, your tenth cranial nerve runs from your brain stem to your abdomen.  With this set-up, your gut and brain work in tandem, each influencing the other.  This is why your intestinal health can have a profound influence on your mental health.  This also helps explain the link between neurological disorders and gastrointestinal dysfunction.  For example, gluten intolerance is frequently a feature of autism (a neurologic disorder), and many autistic children improve when following a gluten free diet.
Speaking of development, establishing normal gut flora within the first 20 days of life plays a crucial role in appropriate development of your baby’s immune system.  Babies who develop abnormal gut flora are left with compromised immune systems, which is a crucial factor when it comes to vaccine-induced neurologic damage.  Babies with normal healthy gut flora and hence a better functioning immune system tend to not need vaccines anyway, and have less risk of neurologic damage related to the heavy metals and preservatives used in vaccines.
Your body contains around 100 trillion bacteria!  So, why are we so scared of bacteria in our society?  The ideal ratio of “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria in your gut is about 85% and 15% respectively.  Keeping this optimal ratio is essential for good health.  In my next entry I will go into more depth on some important ways to help keep your gut healthy (such as taking a high quality probiotic).  In the meantime check out the following websites; Green Med Info, and Mercola for quality information on important health topics.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Fish Oil?

In my last blog entry, I mentioned the importance of taking fish oil and probiotics.  The question in your mind might be; “why should I take fish oil”?  What I would like to do is share with you what fish oil does, and why it is important.
Fish oil is an omega-3 fat mixture which is comprised of a multitude of fatty acids. The two main fatty acids that exert benefits in the body are Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).  These are called essential fatty acids.  The reason they are called essential fatty acids, is that our body does not produce these fatty acids on its own.  We must consume these fatty acids from our diet.  The best source of EPA and DHA is from fish.  Two other sources of EPA and DHA are microalgae and flax seed oil.
Which fish are best to get your fish oil from?  I mentioned before the importance of taking high quality fish oil.  Here is why; If possible, fish oil supplements from non-predatory and non-bottom feeding fish (such as sardines, herring, or mackeral) should be used, as mercury levels (used as a standard by which to assess 'contaminants' in general) typically are elevated in fish that consume other fish and build up stores of mercury and PCBs, and bottom-feeders that feed on carcasses of fish and accumulate toxins and minerals.  Depth of forage may also be correlated with mercury levels, making surface fish safer.  Basically, small fatty fish that don't eat other small fatty fish are your safest bets for consuming fish oils through foods.

Some of the benefits to taking a regular fish oil supplement;
  • An anti-inflammatory
  • An anxiolytic (basically, an anti-anxiety agent)
  • A brain booster
  • A heart health compound
  • A liver health compound

These benefits are backed up with multiple double blind clinical trials.  You can see 249 referenced papers here;

The take home message is that fish oil is a well documented and very beneficial supplement to take.  My parting tip, keep your fish oil supplements fresh, if they smell fishy, they have been around too long or got too warm and have oxidized.  Throw them out and get a new bottle. 

Your health is extremely important, and taking fish oil regularly is a simple step to boost your body, mind and emotional well-being.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Most Important Supplements

A huge segment of the health world includes supplements.  Which ones are important to take?  What brands are the best?  The most important thing to understand first, is that eating and drinking healthy should be our first priority.  Supplements should be thought of as just that, a supplement to a normal healthy diet.  Another important point, not everyone needs the same supplements; we are all individuals with similar but different needs.

When I am recommending supplements, the first I think of is fish oil.  The second supplement is a probiotic.  If we are taking good care of ourselves, and there are no other significant lifestyle factors, these are the two that seem sufficient in my opinion right now.

Here is the most important aspect when taking supplements; take high quality supplements!  Avoid the low end garbage sold almost everywhere!!  If you want a general rule to go by; you get what you pay for.  Spending the extra money for a higher quality supplement insures that you are putting quality product into your body.  We all want to have quality health, right?
Here is your action step, take all the low quality supplements filling up your cupboards and throw them away.  Go to your local holistic health care provider or health food store, and have them guide you towards the best quality supplements that are right for you.

The next blog entry will explain the WHY and the HOW; why I recommend these supplements and how they work.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Power of the Drug Companies

Do you know who the #1 lobbyist is in Washington?  Of all the big industries out there, you may be shocked to find out that it is the pharmaceutical companies!  From what I understand, the drug companies are making more than 600 billion dollars a year!  I personally can’t even fathom that amount of money.
Not only do Americans consume the majority of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs, the drug companies have convinced us to DONATE MONEY TO THEM!!  When we donate our time and money to the archaic concept of finding a cure, do you know where your hard earned money is going? 
How about instead of finding a cure, we find a prevention?  But wait, we already know many preventative ways to reduce the risk of disease, illness, pathology, and most health ailments that typically befall us.  I for one, think our world would be in much better shape, from a health stand point and from a financial stand point, if the pharmaceutical companies were cut down to only the bare essentials (or disappeared).  That will only happen if the consumers decide to stop consuming, and choose to spend their well earned money elsewhere.
I usually try to keep this blog positive, so I’m sure my next entry will be more uplifting, maybe I’ll write about puppies J

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wake-Up and Smell the … Tea?

I decided to switch from being a coffee drinker to a tea drinker a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it!  I have been a faithful coffee consumer for years, and every time I heard a bit of information about the benefits of moderate coffee consumption, I would feel affirmed in my daily coffee routine.  Since switching over to being a daily tea guy, let me detail out a few changes I have noticed;

1.  I save money – its cheaper to buy tea than coffee
2.  Better breath – I don’t have ‘coffee breath’ anymore
3.  Whiter teeth – no more coffee stains on my teeth
4.  Less stomach problems – my tummy feels better

Now let me mention another tea fact; Tea contains antioxidants – which can help bolster your immune system.

Your immune system is vitally important to how you experience life.  Have you ever heard the term “you are what you eat”?  Well guess what…. its true!!  Consuming tea on a regular basis and helping maintain or build a normal strong immune system has huge implications for how well you experience health.  But, do yourself a big favor, DO NOT add stuff to your tea (like sugar) the herbs in tea often add a little flavor by themselves, and try to get organic tea if possible.

If you want more information about herbs in general, I recommend consulting with an acupuncturist.  My acupuncturist is Jenny Dull in Arroyo Grande,

So, maybe tomorrow when you wake-up, instead of smelling coffee brewing, you will be enjoying a cup of tea instead.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Experience of Suffering

I recently ran across an interesting quote that really made me think:
“We are healed of a suffering only by experiencing it to the full." - Marcel Proust, French novelist
We are taught through many avenues of modern medicine and the media that we shouldn’t have to suffer. Consumers complaining of pain or different ailments are encouraged to partake in the quickest symptom- reliever right away.  Not just with physical problems, but emotional and mental suffering as well.  The thing is we are never promised a life without suffering.
The actual act of healing is also poorly understood in our society.  We are taught that we need outside intervention (medicine, surgery, procedures, pain relievers…) to accomplish healing.  In actuality, however, our bodies are designed with self- healing capacity.  With the basis of this understanding of the body, many of the holistic health fields focus on aiding the body with its natural healing abilities.
We are created in such a way in which suffering can actually be normal and can be beneficial.  What I am not saying is to go seek suffering.  Instead, seek life!  Living a healthy life, you will inevitably experience suffering.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Doctor of the Future

Inventor Thomas Edison said: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Wow, was Thomas Edison an idiot or what?  He couldn’t have been more wrong about the present day doctor.  The doctor of today gives out more drugs than ever, with often very little attention paid to the human frame, diet or the cause and prevention of disease.
Or, maybe Thomas Edison was as brilliant as his inventions suggest.  Perhaps we simply have not yet arrived at his prediction of the future doctor.  What are the implications in our current society of Mr. Edison’s vision?
From a money stand point, our health care costs would plummet dramatically, and powerful pharmaceutical companies would be done.  The cost of caring for the human frame, diet and cause and prevention of disease would be a fraction of the cost of the current sick care system.
Will we ever arrive at this bold prediction?  In 10 years, 50 years, maybe 100 years from now?  I don’t have a clue.  Ultimately, doctors do what people want.  Showing interest in your frame, your diet and in the prevention of disease is a good start towards fulfilling a bold prediction.