Thursday, November 29, 2012

Can’t Weight for Christmas!

The average American gains about 1 pound between Thanksgiving and New Years.  When I first read this statistic, I thought, well 1 pound isn’t very much.  The truth about an “average” is that some people don’t gain any weight (or maybe lose weight?), while others gain more than 1 pound.
Let’s play out this scenario.  Someone named Jane (sorry to those named Jane) gains 2 pounds of fat this holiday season.  The thing with the holiday season is it is steeped in tradition (some traditions are good, some not so much).  So Jane has a similar holiday experience every year, and gains 2 pounds each season.  If the rest of the year has no significant change in weight, over the course of let’s say 20 years, Jane will have packed on about 40 pounds!  That is not healthy weight gain for Jane or anyone else!  There are many other factors that influence health, and weight is often not very indicative of someone’s true level of health.  But hopefully, this scenario helps paint a picture of what could easily happen for me or you.
Here is the reality regarding this 2012 holiday season.  There will be LOTS of deterrents from gaining and sustaining good health.  Here are a few deterrents off the top of my silly head:
1. Stress – related to money, busy schedule, gift buying, Christmas parties, etc.

2. Less Exercise – less time for workouts, and colder outside, less attractive to be out exercising.

3. Increase in Unhealthy Food – this is a biggie for folks, as all the holiday treats are very tempting and appealing.  I am sitting at my favorite coffee shop in Arroyo Grande writing this blog entry and looking at their holiday menu which includes – Peppermint Mocha – Pumpkin Latte – and Eggnog Latte.  Yummy, right?!

4. Traveling – those of us traveling during the holidays get out of our regular routines, and it is easier to make unhealthy choices when out of town.
I’m sure you can add to this list for your own situation.  Where does this leave us?  Are we hopelessly going to let our health fall apart this holiday season??
I have a simple one word solution!  Are you ready?  This will be a mind blowing concept!!
You must instill boundaries in all these areas if you would like to successfully navigate this holiday season and show up in 2013 without too many holiday battle wounds.  You must do this for yourself.  I can’t do it for you and no one else can create the boundaries for you that you need.  It is helpful to have an advocate to help you stick with the boundaries you create.
Try This:  Spend 10 minutes writing out a list of areas you know will be difficult for you this season, and create tangible boundaries for how you will manage those areas.  Check in with your list at least once a day.  If you break a boundary, don’t sweat it, but get back on track A.S.A.P.  Make weight a non-issue this Christmas season by creating healthy boundaries for yourself. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

REAL Health Insurance

We live in an era where insurance is all the rage.  Our society is encouraged to purchase insurance for many things (our cars, health, life, jewelry, home, apartment, electronics, etc. etc.).  In fact, some things (such as our automobiles) are required by law to buy into insurance.  There are many definitions for insurance, but I think it can be summed up rather simply as; protection against uncertain future loss.
The key word in this definition is PROTECTION.  How can we truly protect our investments and our own life?  Is having an insurance policy really the best way to protect the things we hold as important?
In regards to automobiles, what is the best way we can help protect our automobile investment from future loss (such as an accident)?  Try driving safely, not driving while intoxicated or impaired, wearing a seat belt, keeping your car serviced, and not driving while distracted (texting, doing your make-up, etc.).  THIS IS CAR INSURANCE FOLKS!  Protect your investment by being wise with what you do with it. 
As far as your health, the same principles hold true.  Do you realize the health insurance policy you presently have is actually a sickness insurance policy?  This type of insurance can be very helpful for sick people, but does little or nothing to protect healthy people.  So, what does HEALTH INSURANCE really look like?
My five pillars of physical health likely include all or nearly all the categories of ways you can help protect your health.  They are;
1.  Optimal Nervous System Function
2.  Regular Exercise and Movement
3.  Avoidance of Toxins
4.  Good Nutrition and Fluid Intake
5.  Adequate Sleep and Rest
Here are a handful of ways you can help insure your health – get massages, get checked by a chiropractor regularly, get outside in the sun and exercise, eat raw organic food, drink lots of water, don’t put toxic substances on your body, take a high quality fish oil supplement, take vacations, don’t put toxic substances in your body, take time each day for rest meditation and/or prayer, see an acupuncturist, manage your stress well, use good posture, allow for plenty of time to sleep at night, etc. etc.
Here is your homework assignment; Pick 2-3 ideas from this list that resonates with you, and start working on them today.  Don’t wait until tomorrow!   Protect and insure your health!!  It is one of the MOST valuable gifts you have!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sick and Water

I am currently fighting off a cold!  It is such a drag having a cold and I find it very irritating.  This is the first time I have been sick in over three years, so it also feels somewhat foreign.  This does make for a good chance to write a blog entry though (and watch Star Wars movies).
One thing I am struck by is how much water I am consuming while being in this un-well state.  I am drinking water and tea like I just ran a marathon in the Sahara while eating jalapenos!  I understand that drinking lots of fluids aids my body’s natural immune response to dispose of the current strain of cold virus inside me.  So how about a big thumbs up to my immune system for doing its job!!
Drinking all these fluids also makes me realize that I probably don’t drink enough healthy fluids during my well times.  I feel convicted to keep up a healthy amount of water intake once I have kicked this cold to the curb.
How important is it to drink water and other healthy fluids?  Your entire body will function and feel better when you are well hydrated… including your brain and your heart, your muscles, digestive system, and all your other organ systems.  Keep in mind you get about 20% of your fluid intake from the food you eat, especially from fruits and veggies!  The best drinks for good fluid intake include water, herbal teas, black and green teas, and even coffee in moderation.  Another great fluid intake source is from ‘juicing’.  Avoid soda of all kinds, as well as other sugar sweetened drinks.  Your body deserves better!
As I mend up from this pesky cold, it’s nice to know I am aiding my body by drinking tons of water and tea, and will be back to my usual self soon.  Now go drink some water!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Inner Strong

“You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” - Unknown
When it comes to our health, it is easy to blame outside influence for our dis-ease, disease, and our poor lifestyle choices.  In reality though, we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to taking good care of ourselves.  Ultimately you are responsible for yourself, your actions or lack of actions, and the way you respond in life.  Only you are responsible for you (unless you are a child).
Last weekend I competed in my first ever mud run.  It was great!  6.2 miles and 28 obstacles found me pushing myself to my physical and mental limits.  I ran up and down a mountain, jumped over, swam under, and climbed over obstacles, and when I crossed the finish line totally exhausted (and muddy), I knew what I had just accomplished was good.  Why did I do a mud run?  Was it for the exercise?  No.  Was it to get the t-shirt proving that I participated?  No.  Was it to test myself, and gauge what my inner strength and perseverance really looks like?  Yes.  I mention this experience because deep down we all want to know we are strong, and we want to know that when we are pushed to our limits our strength will shine.

This begs the question; where does inner strength come from?  I encourage you to think about this for yourself.  Write down a list of where your strength comes from and contemplate on your list.
When our life is moving along with relative consistency and ease, making healthy lifestyle choices and achieving and maintaining good health is mostly accomplishable.  The real test is when life throws a curve ball, life is messy (or muddy), and our inner strength is tried, challenged, and our resolve shaken.  How will you respond?  Will you dig deep and make even healthier choices for your life?  Will you crumple or drift?  You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
Having strength of will is a daily choice, and deciding to make healthy decisions can be a daily challenge. 
As I look forward to my next physical and mental challenge (perhaps a century bike race, a 10 mile mud run, a half-marathon, or pick up a new sport (rock climbing?)), it feels good to know that my inner strength was strong enough to accomplish the mud run last weekend.  Despite the messiness of life, I choose to approach today with strength of will and to make healthy lifestyle decisions.  Will you? 
Be Inner Strong!