The Most Important Supplements
A huge segment of the health world includes supplements. Which ones are important to take? What brands are the best? The most important thing to understand first, is that eating and drinking healthy should be our first priority. Supplements should be thought of as just that, a supplement to a normal healthy diet. Another important point, not everyone needs the same supplements; we are all individuals with similar but different needs.
When I am recommending supplements, the first I think of is fish oil. The second supplement is a probiotic. If we are taking good care of ourselves, and there are no other significant lifestyle factors, these are the two that seem sufficient in my opinion right now.
Here is the most important aspect when taking supplements; take high quality supplements! Avoid the low end garbage sold almost everywhere!! If you want a general rule to go by; you get what you pay for. Spending the extra money for a higher quality supplement insures that you are putting quality product into your body. We all want to have quality health, right?

Here is your action step, take all the low quality supplements filling up your cupboards and throw them away. Go to your local holistic health care provider or health food store, and have them guide you towards the best quality supplements that are right for you.
The next blog entry will explain the WHY and the HOW; why I recommend these supplements and how they work.
ReplyDeleteI agree that fish oil is a good supplement. The best supplement is something called JUICE PLUS, which consist of 15 fruits and vegetables and two whole grains in a capsule that will provide the recommended five fruits and vegetables daily. I have been taking JUICE PLUS for over 10 years now. If you would like to learn more about JUICE PLUS and how to become a distributor and earn a good income, email me back.