Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Fish Oil?

In my last blog entry, I mentioned the importance of taking fish oil and probiotics.  The question in your mind might be; “why should I take fish oil”?  What I would like to do is share with you what fish oil does, and why it is important.
Fish oil is an omega-3 fat mixture which is comprised of a multitude of fatty acids. The two main fatty acids that exert benefits in the body are Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).  These are called essential fatty acids.  The reason they are called essential fatty acids, is that our body does not produce these fatty acids on its own.  We must consume these fatty acids from our diet.  The best source of EPA and DHA is from fish.  Two other sources of EPA and DHA are microalgae and flax seed oil.
Which fish are best to get your fish oil from?  I mentioned before the importance of taking high quality fish oil.  Here is why; If possible, fish oil supplements from non-predatory and non-bottom feeding fish (such as sardines, herring, or mackeral) should be used, as mercury levels (used as a standard by which to assess 'contaminants' in general) typically are elevated in fish that consume other fish and build up stores of mercury and PCBs, and bottom-feeders that feed on carcasses of fish and accumulate toxins and minerals.  Depth of forage may also be correlated with mercury levels, making surface fish safer.  Basically, small fatty fish that don't eat other small fatty fish are your safest bets for consuming fish oils through foods.

Some of the benefits to taking a regular fish oil supplement;
  • An anti-inflammatory
  • An anxiolytic (basically, an anti-anxiety agent)
  • A brain booster
  • A heart health compound
  • A liver health compound

These benefits are backed up with multiple double blind clinical trials.  You can see 249 referenced papers here;

The take home message is that fish oil is a well documented and very beneficial supplement to take.  My parting tip, keep your fish oil supplements fresh, if they smell fishy, they have been around too long or got too warm and have oxidized.  Throw them out and get a new bottle. 

Your health is extremely important, and taking fish oil regularly is a simple step to boost your body, mind and emotional well-being.

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