Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why Probiotics?  (part 2 of 2)

In my last entry, we went into detail regarding the importance of maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal system.  I suggest reading the last 3 entries, “The Most Important Supplements”, “Why Fish Oil?”, and “Why Probiotics (part 1 of 2)” and then study this blog entry (I know, this is a lot of homework, but hopefully well worth the time).
Here are 3 excellent ways you can help improve the flora of your gut;
1) Eat less sugar – eating sugar actually nourishes the bad bacteria, yeast and fungi in your gut.
2) Eat fermented foods – such as lassi, tempeh, raw milk or yogurt (but NOT commercial versions, which typically do not have live cultures and are loaded with sugar).
3) Take a high quality probiotic supplement – and here is why….
You should first be asking yourself, what is a probiotic? – Probiotics are small natural organisms that help maintain balance of the organisms (microflora) in the intestines.
Caring for your probiotics; It is important that the microorganisms remain cold, and your refrigerator should do just fine.  It is important to recognize that the organisms will not be viable if they have been warmed at any point, including before you make your purchase.  I highly suggest regular intake to help build and maintain healthy gut flora.  If you are having an immune response to a virus (such as cold or flu signs), than take more probiotics (and eat less sugar).  This should help the normal immune response.
If you are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or have recently been pregnant and are nursing, you SHOULD be taking a probiotic!  For your babies health and yours!!
Here is a small sampling of conditions that can be helped with a probiotic;
-          Obesity
-          Diabetes
-          Depression
-          Heart Disease
-          IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
What are some signs your body might send to you, indicating that probiotics could help?  Gas, bloating, constipation, frequent nausea, headaches and sugar cravings to new a common few.
No one brand of probiotic is right for everyone, in fact, rotating between different brands often brings different strains into your system which can be beneficial.  I suggest first visiting your local holistic health care provider, or visiting a health food store to buy probiotics.  In my area I suggest Grande Foods, Lassens, or New Frontiers.  Taking a probiotic supplement is a simple way to help improve your health, and your health is SUPER IMPORTANT!! 
I gathered information from Green Med Info, Web MD, and Mercola for this blog entry.

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