Thursday, May 3, 2012

What’s up with the SUN?

Is the sun good for us or not?  The answer (in my opinion) is actually fairly simple, and should make good common sense.
The sun helps with lots of natural processes in our bodies and brains.  Seasonal affective disorder is associated with lack of sun exposure, and you will likely sleep better at night when you get sun exposure during the day.  Your circadian rhythm benefits from proper sun light entering the eye balls (and into your brain) during the day, and then receiving proper lack of sun light at night time.  Do you need more proof?
Lots of people have heard “you get vitamin D from the sun” and instead will go for a supplement of vitamin D so they don’t have to spend time in those dangerous sun rays.
The vitamin D you get from the ultraviolet radiation from the sun works very well in your body.  The vitamin D you get from supplements does not work very well in your body, and actually bypasses natural mechanisms that would prevent overdoses of vitamin D generated internally from sunlight.  You can also get vitamin D from most vegetables.
Here is the big question, how much sun exposure is safe?  This is the real kicker, it’s different for everyone!  If you want a general rule to go by, avoid sun burns.  Sun burns are linked to bad things happening in your body, such as cancerous developments.  An unfortunate sun fact is that our society has been conditioned to believe we must use sun screen if we are spending time outside to avoid developing skin cancers.  The problem is sun screens have chemicals in them that are cancer causing.  Is that ironic or what?!
Here is the take home message, sun exposure is okay and healthy, don’t get burned, and if you insist on using sun screen, use a natural (no chemicals) brand.  Check out this article for some different natural sun screen brands;
                                            Catalina Island spring '11 camping/biking trip

1 comment:

  1. So i went to the doctor, she told me my levels on vit D are should be in the 30's and my level is below important is Vit D???
