Wednesday, November 14, 2012

REAL Health Insurance

We live in an era where insurance is all the rage.  Our society is encouraged to purchase insurance for many things (our cars, health, life, jewelry, home, apartment, electronics, etc. etc.).  In fact, some things (such as our automobiles) are required by law to buy into insurance.  There are many definitions for insurance, but I think it can be summed up rather simply as; protection against uncertain future loss.
The key word in this definition is PROTECTION.  How can we truly protect our investments and our own life?  Is having an insurance policy really the best way to protect the things we hold as important?
In regards to automobiles, what is the best way we can help protect our automobile investment from future loss (such as an accident)?  Try driving safely, not driving while intoxicated or impaired, wearing a seat belt, keeping your car serviced, and not driving while distracted (texting, doing your make-up, etc.).  THIS IS CAR INSURANCE FOLKS!  Protect your investment by being wise with what you do with it. 
As far as your health, the same principles hold true.  Do you realize the health insurance policy you presently have is actually a sickness insurance policy?  This type of insurance can be very helpful for sick people, but does little or nothing to protect healthy people.  So, what does HEALTH INSURANCE really look like?
My five pillars of physical health likely include all or nearly all the categories of ways you can help protect your health.  They are;
1.  Optimal Nervous System Function
2.  Regular Exercise and Movement
3.  Avoidance of Toxins
4.  Good Nutrition and Fluid Intake
5.  Adequate Sleep and Rest
Here are a handful of ways you can help insure your health – get massages, get checked by a chiropractor regularly, get outside in the sun and exercise, eat raw organic food, drink lots of water, don’t put toxic substances on your body, take a high quality fish oil supplement, take vacations, don’t put toxic substances in your body, take time each day for rest meditation and/or prayer, see an acupuncturist, manage your stress well, use good posture, allow for plenty of time to sleep at night, etc. etc.
Here is your homework assignment; Pick 2-3 ideas from this list that resonates with you, and start working on them today.  Don’t wait until tomorrow!   Protect and insure your health!!  It is one of the MOST valuable gifts you have!!!

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